This task will check if there is a birthday today. If so, it will notify you.
- An android phone
- Tasker
- AutoNotification
- AutoContacts
- AutoTools
Step 1: AutoContacts
Be sure that AutoContacts is correctly installed. Also be sure, that all your contacts are listed in the database. Before you start, refresh your contacts:
- Open AutoContacts
- Click on Force Refresh Contacts
Step 2: Creating the task
Now we make our task, called AV Birthday Reminder Check
- AutoContacts Query 2.0
- Sort: event_next_date
- Fields to get: Id,Event Next Date,Name,Event Start Date,Event Type Label
- Joiner=:=
- For Variable: %index Items: 1:%acevent_next_date(#)
- AutoTools Time:
- End Date: Use now: true
- Fields to get: Total hours
- If %atdatetotalhours>0
- Variable set: %Bdayname to %acname(%index)
- Variable set: %contactid to %acid(%index)
- Variable set: %event to %acevent_type_label(%index)
- Variable set: %borndate to %acevent_start_date
- Variable split: %borndate Splitter:-
- Variable set: %monthindex to %borndate2 / 1 (Do Math: Enabled!)
- Variable set: %months to January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December
- Variable split: %months Splitter:, (Splitter is comma)
- AutoTools Time:
- Start Date: Year: %borndate1
- End Date: Use now: true
- Variable set: %Bdayyears to %atdateyears
- AutoContacts Query 2.0
- Ids: contactid
- Phone Type: Mobile
- Sort Direction: Ascending
- Fields to get: Phone Number,Id,Phone Number Type,Name
- Joiner: =:=
- AutoContacts Details
- Contact Id: %acid
- Get Picture: true
- Full Size: true
- If %acnumber is Set
- Variable set: %Bdaynr to %acnumber
- AutoNotification
- Title: %event today
- Text: It’s %name’s birthday. He/She was born on %borndate3 %months(%monthindex) %borndate1. He/She becomes %atdateyears years old.
- Icon: /storage/emulated/0/AutoContacts/contactPhoto.png
- Statusbar Icon: ic_action_balloon
- Statusbar Text Size: 16
- Id: Next event
- Button 1: smsbday
- Label 1: MESSAGE
- Icon 1: ic_action_sms
- Button 2: callbday
- Label 2: CALL
- Icon 2: ic_action_phone_start
- Else if %acnumber !Set
- AutoNotification
- Title: %event today
- Text: It’s %name’s birthday. He/She was born on %borndate3 %months(%monthindex) %borndate1. He/She becomes %atdateyears years old.
- Icon: /storage/emulated/0/AutoContacts/contactPhoto.png
- Statusbar Icon: ic_action_balloon
- Statusbar Text Size: 16
- Id: Next event
- Icon 1: ic_action_sms
- Icon 2: ic_action_phone_start
- AutoNotification
- End if
- Else
- Stop
- End if
- AutoTools Time:
- End for
Step 3: Creating a task that react on the call button
Create a task, called AN B-day Call
- Call Number: %Bdaynr
Step 4: Creating a task that react on the message button
Create a task, called AN B-day SMS
- Autonotification Cancel: Configuration: Id:Next event
- Status Bar Collapsed
- If %Bdaynr is Set
- Variable set: %bdaytext to Happy B-day and many years! Enjoy! Greetings Ryoen
- AutoTools Web Screen (I created my own webscreen, so I can change my text if I want and personalize it more before I send it. This webscreen is not included here)
- Else if %Bdaynr !Set
- Flash: Sorry, no mobile number is found
- End If
Step 5: Creating a profile to react on the call button
Call the profile: AN B-day Call
- Create a new trigger/context: Event > Plugin > AutoNotification > AutoNotification
- AutoNotification: callbday
- Link it to the task AN B-day Call
Step 6: Creating a profile to react on the call button
Call the profile: AN B-day SMS
- Create a new trigger/context: Event > Plugin > AutoNotification > AutoNotification
- AutoNotification: smsbday
- Link it to the task AN B-day SMS