This task is a combination of many other tasks. You can execute that every morning. When this task is executed, it will do many things like: saying morning message, tell me the weather, tell me the birthdays today, tell me my appointments, etc…


  • An android phone
  • Tasker

Step 1: Creating the task

Now we make our task, called AV Good Morning

  • Say: Goodmorning Name, did you sleep well (Change Name by your name)
  • Perform Task: AV Time
  • Perform Task: AV Date
  • Perform Task: AV Time Slept
  • Perform Task: AV Birthday Reminder Check
  • Say: I’m now checking the weather
  • Perform Task: AV Weather Forecast
  • Perform Task: AV Events Today

In my case I set the priority to 10 in each Perform task.