This task will tell you the weather forecast using Wunderground.


  • An android phone
  • Tasker
  • AutoWeb

Step 1: Creating the task

Now we make our task, called AV Weather Forecast

  • AutoWeb
    • API: Weather Underground
    • API Action: Conditions
    • Query: Country/City eg: US/New York
    • Language: Your language code
  • Flash: %display_location_full %temp_c %weather you can also use f for fahrenheit
  • Say: The weather forecast: Today: %weather, it is now %temp_c degrees celcius. The maximum temperature is %highcelcius(1) degrees celcius and the minimum temperature is %lowcelcius(1) degrees celcius. The probability of rain is %rainprobability(1) procent and the humidity is %relative_humidity.

Step 2: Creating the profile

If you want to use it with your voice assistant, you can also create a profile. Create a AutoVoice context/trigger. Call the profile: AV Weather Forecast

  • Create a new trigger/context: Event > Plugin > AutoVoice > Recognized
  • Choose the The Hard Way
  • Command: what's the weather
  • Enable Regex
  • Link the task AV Weather Forecast to it